Huntington Beach FAQs
Q. Where do I go for Birth, Death, or Marriage Certificates and Marriage Licenses?
A. The County of Orange Clerk Recorder handles these services. For marriage, birth, and death certificates, call (714) 834-9004. For Marriage Licenses, call (714) 834-2710.

Q. What is City Hall's address and general phone number?
A. City Hall is located at 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA, 92648 on the corner of Main and Yorktown. The automated general information phone number is (714) 536-5511.

Q. What are City Hall hours?
A. City Hall is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are closed on all legal holidays.

Q. Who do I contact to file a formal complaint against a police department employee?
A. You may contact the on-duty Watch Commander, the Professional Standards Unit (Internal Affairs), or any other supervisor.
Watch Commander: (714) 960-8800, anytime
Professional Standards Unit: (714) 536-5693 or (714) 536-5939 during normal business hours.
Please visit the Huntington Beach City FAQ page for more specific questions:

Q. There is a construction project underway adjacent to my property that is generating noise and dust. What can I do?
A. Concerns regarding noise and dust associated with construction on public property should be referred to the Public Works Construction Manager at (714) 536-5431. If the construction appears to be taking place on private property, you should call the Building and Safety Department at (714) 536-5241.

Q. I think I may be the victim of an identity theft. What should I do?
A. If you live in Huntington Beach, contact the Police Department at (714) 960-8811. An officer will ask you how you discovered the crime and if you have bank statements, copies of checks, or credit card statements. An identity theft report will be taken, if appropriate.

Q. Does Huntington Beach have HUD Section 8 housing?
A. The Orange County Housing Authority administers the Section 8 rental assistance program for our City. For information on housing availability, contact them directly at:
Orange County Housing Authority
1770 N. Broadway,
Santa Ana, CA 92706-2680
(714) 480-2700

Q. Does Huntington Beach have any low-income rental housing?
A. There are a limited number of apartment buildings in Huntington Beach that have subsidized rents that are available for families at various income levels. Each building has its own eligibility criteria, application process, and waiting list.

Q. How long can a car be parked on the street?
A. A vehicle can park no more than 72 hours on the public street. Following this time, the vehicle is marked and if not moved, the vehicle may be towed.

Q. Can trailers and RVs be left on the public street?
A. RV's in excess of 20' must have a permit obtained through the Police Department by calling (714) 374-5300, twenty-four hours a day. RV's can obtain a permit for 16 days a month, not to exceed 8 days in a row. Vehicles must be moved for street sweeping. Unattached utility trailers are not permitted in a residential area and are limited to 4 hours in a commercial area. If a utility trailer is attached to a vehicle, it cannot exceed 25' in a residential area and may not park in excess of 72 hours.

Q. I need to renew my passport. Can I do this at City Hall?
A. The City of Huntington Beach City Clerk's Office, located on the second floor of the City Hall building, is designated as an authorized United States Passport Acceptance Facility. The Passport Acceptance Facility hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., excluding holidays. For more information, please call 714-374-1600. You can also renew at the post office at 6771 Warner Ave. Call for info: 714-843-4200. If you are a AAA member, your local location can assist you as well.

Q. How can I get damaged sidewalks, curbs or gutters in front of my house repaired?
A. If a sidewalk is broken or raised, a temporary asphalt patch will be applied. That location will then be prioritized for future sidewalk removal and replacement. Due to funding constraints, the City does not currently have a program for the permanent repair of individual curbs and gutters; however, concrete repairs are performed on a programmed basis throughout the City as funding is available. Questions regarding repair to the City's sidewalks, curbs or gutters should be referred to the City Corporation Yard at (714) 960-8861.

Q. The City trees are damaging the curbs, gutters, and sidewalks on my street. What do I have to do to get this fixed?
A. Public Works has developed a Tree Removal Petition process whereby all trees, sidewalks, curbs and gutters for an entire street could be repaired/replaced at one time. In order to qualify, the petition must have consent from at least 75% of the homeowners. Following submission of the petition, Public Works staff will perform a field inspection. A letter will be sent to the residents informing them of the outcome of that inspection and whether their specific street qualified to be included on the City's Tree Petition List. This list prioritizes repairs based on the date of petition and the degree of damage. However, the due to funding restrictions the wait may be up to five years from the petition submittal. Various amounts of funding are received each year, so a repair date cannot be predicted. Interested parties may call the Street Division at (714) 960-8861 after the first of each year to learn which streets are scheduled for that year.

Q. Who do I call to report a burned out streetlight?
A. Please call Southern California Edison for the repair. They can be reached at 800-655-4555. The City maintains a small number of streetlights in the downtown area. If the light is the responsibility of the City, Edison will notify the proper department.

Q. Who do I call for a special trash pickup of a large item?
A. Huntington Beach households with weekly regular trashcan service are entitled to two special, large item pick-ups per year. Customers should contact Rainbow Disposal at (714) 847-3581 to schedule.

Q. Who do I call for voter registration information?
A. Please call City Clerk's office at (714) 536-5227.
Q. Where do I get information about Dog Beach?
A. All questions are answered on their website,

Q. Where do I get information about substance abuse treatment?
A. For info in Huntington Beach, check out the Seacliff Recovery Center.
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